
Team Work Equals Banner Sewing

Over the weekend, we attended my nephew, Noah's, 2nd birthday party.  It was a Dallas Maverick theme.  So I decided that I would put my not-so-good-sewing-skills to work by making a basketball theme banner out of fabric that I found at JoAnn's. 

I figured it'd be easy.  I mean, they look easy.  Right?  Well little did I know how much thought and time went into a project like that.  But have no fear, my other half was here.  Here to help me strategize exactly how we I should make them.

First, I got some cardstock and made my triangle template keeping in mind that my template would need to be a little bigger since I would have about a half inch hem all the way around.  Then, I traced the template, Jer cut them out, cut the tips so that they would fold back nicely without any overlapping, ironed them back and then handed them to me to sew.  And whalla...after making 21 of them we had a banner.
When hemming the top of the triangles, I left a gap open so that I could insert some twine into the top to hang them with.  And it hung like a champ....like the World Champions that the Dallas Mavericks are!!!!!

We had a great time at the party.  Little Noah is such a sweet kid and a SMART kid!   
he loves soccer balls.
i love this kid.
cool cake, Noah!
Noah and daddy
my favorite.
okay, I had no idea that 2 year olds knew how to count to ten just by looking at numbers on flash cards.  this kid is S.M.A.R.T.  he had the whole crowd in AWE of him calling out each number as my brother held them up to him.  :)  it was adorable.
we love the Mavericks!
Happy Birthday, Noah!  We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow up!


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