
Pool Time...at Nana's House

We have another first for Boston.  His first time swimming in a pool...at Nana's (Jer's mom) house.  Last Sunday, we went and spent the day with Nana, Aunt Amy (Jer's sister) and Boston's cousins...Lexi, Paige and Caleb.  Boston thoroughly enjoyed it.  He loves water and loves to splash but Jer and I weren't sure how he was going to take to a BIG pool of water since he's used to his bath tub.  I carried him in and it didn't seem to faze him.  He immediately started playing with his toys. 
But first...we had to have our usual photo session.  We started with Aunt Amy and her baby bump. 
Then it was mommy's turn, which was a must do with my little stud-muffin.
us and our shades 
about to take the plunge...actually a walk in. (Momma Needs To Loose Weight...yikes...close your eyes if you have a sensitive stomach to unsightly things)  Hey Boston...look at the camera for 2 seconds, please...
we made sure to get his canopy up, quickly. 
Boston and daddy takin' a dip
Boston and daddy lathered up with sunscreen.  And when I say lathered up, I mean Lathered up!  They weren't playing around.  They were definitely my two white (pasty) boys. 
Boston and Nana giving high fives
It was quittin' time so we got him out and got him some water to drink.  He was water and sun logged.  We could tell he was getting reeaaallly tired.
so I held him in my arms and rocked him to sleep... 
boy was he tuckered.
while he slept, me, Jer, Nana and Caleb played water volleyball.  News Flash: water volleyball is H-A-R-D.  I didn't know it could be so hard.  I'll take the medal as the worst water volleyball player ever...EVER.  When B woke up, Aunt Amy took some pictures of him with Paige (her daughter).  Is this not the sweetest picture ever?  I think so.  Oh.So.Sweet.  Love them both!!!
I love this.  Picture perfect.  He loves his Nana. 

After we swam, we all went inside and chatted it up.  THEN...we watched the Mavericks whoop some bootay!  Needless to say, it was a late night but that's okay since Jer had another week off work.  (Big News that I'll be sharing Thursday)

Thank you, Nana, for our fun day!  We had a Blast with a capital B.  We will definitely have to come again very soon.


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