
Centsational Cake Stands

Oh boy, what a weekend.  We were buuussay!  Thankfully my mom came over to watch Boston while we worked our big ol' tooshies off.  Thank You, Mom!!!  Well, actually Jer worked harder.  I got caught up a few times chatting with mom.  But nontheless we got a ton of stuff done.  That will be a later post once I get my pictures uploaded and my post written.  :)  We are hitting our backyard and patio hard this year.  HINT: our goal for the back patio is to give it a "home-y" feel.  And our progress over the weekend does just that.  But there's a few more things to do so stay tuned.  :)  We have a hot tub in the back and our hope is to get that up and running too so we can have some fun family/friends nights this summer playing in some water.  The hot tub holds about 10 people which is just the right amount of people to have over without going overboard with the crowding issue.  Ha. Oh and while we were re-doing our front yard flower beds we got visitors...Jessica and Chris Corado.  Thanks for stopping by guys.  We loved seeing y'all!  :-) 

Anywho...back to some fun cake stand talk...

Remember this post and those glasses and plates I talked about and showed you in the picture?  Well, I finally made something out of them.  I got the idea from one of my favorite blogs in the universe, Centsational Girl.  She's AH-MAZING!  She comes up with the cutest, cheapest and easiest creations.  I plan on doing a few other things that she mentioned on her blog. 

Back in March, she posted how she made these cake stands and I fell in love with them.  She explained in detail how she made them.  So check her blog out if you wanna make some too.  I knew eventually I wanted to make some for when we eat outside on our back patio this summer.  To me, they are perfect colorful summer dessert dishes:
So, last week, I started on making my own.  They were easy peasy to make.  Didn't take long, either.

Here are 3 out of 6 done so far.  Since I got 3 tall glasses, 3 short glasses, 3 small plates and 3 big plates, I'm mix matching my plates and glasses.  The red cake stand has a short glass with a big plate.  I used Rustoleum's Apple Red - gloss (so they could also be used for Christmas), Summer Squash and Heirloom White (my favorite). 

I look forward to using them this summer with some yummy treats!  I'm a "sweet" kinda girl.  :-)

~Happy Monday,


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