
School Supplies for Our Soon-To-Be Kindergartener

Our Bossy, our first born, our really amazing 5 year old is starting Kindergarten next Monday, August 22nd!!  Pinch me, pinch me hard!!!  I can't even wrap my brain around that whole idea.  The whole idea of him being a legit student in a big kid school.  

I've dreaded this time since he was born.  It's the whole reason I had always wanted to home-school.  I jus love him being with me and making memories.  Constantly.  I feel like this came way too quickly.  But at the same time, as he was growing up, it also felt like these days were an eternity away.  

But, alas, we are here and as much as I want time to slow down this next week, sadly, it won't.  I must admit, I've been having a little anxiety about it all.  I know, I'm weird but it's true.  Something I'm not proud of or happy about.  I so so want to be so excited for him but I just can't.  Not right now.  But I think that once we get past the first day and first week and get set in our "new life" I'll feel a lot better about this season of life for my sweet first born.  

Anyway, starting school means having to get his school supplies.  So, in natural Cook fashion, we made it a family affair with some photos and videos to document the moment.  This would be his very first time buying school supplies we wanted to remember it.  You know, for when he's 30 years old and looking back through our family memory books.  :)  

We met dada after work and headed over to Target.  

 Brother snacked on pretzels and got driven around the store.  The life!
Done...almost!  We got to checked off all but 2 things on our list that Target didn't have and that he and I will go and get at Walmart tomorrow.

 High five'ing!
I love this guy so much!!
After we left Target we headed over to the Gap for a little school cloth shopping.  I had already done most of it online but we needed a few more jeans (that he needed to try on) and shirts.  Other than that we are done except for about 2 more pairs of shoes!
As soon as we finished dinner it was bed time for Navy so we took him up, got into our swimsuits, grabbed the monitor and went outside to play in the hot tub with just the big guy.  It always makes him feel special and we love it, too.  Had it been earlier in the evening the little-man would have been out there with us.  
Bossy, you sure are awesome.  We love you so much and we love getting to make memories with you!!


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