
Boston's FIRST "Meet The Teacher Night"

Our big boy has one more weekend before he's officially a kindergartener!!  Woah, what the heck is going on?!  I can't even wrap my brain around it.  At all.  

Thursday, August 18th, his elementary school held a Meet The Teacher event.  

We ran a few errands earlier that day and waited for Jer to get off work (he worked from home that day), got ready and headed out around 4:20 to be there when the doors opened at 4:30.  

When we got there we were immediately approached by some teachers.  They were there to tell each student their teacher they got for that year.  I was super excited!  His very first time learning the name of the teacher they got.  But it all happened so fast, I wasn't able to video it or snap a photo.  But that's okay, it'll be something I'll remember forever, anyway.  
Once we found out his teacher, we headed down the halls to his new classroom.  There are two kindergarten hallways.  This one is #1.
And this one is #2 which is where his classroom is.
AND.....we found it!
And Mrs. Martin is the cutest little thing.  And the sweetest.  AND, we've heard from a ton of people that she's the best kindergarten teacher at the school.  And Bossy go her!  Praise God.
He found his table and chair.
Answering some questions that she had them fill out when they got there.
He's so amazing.
The cutest thing.  As we were taking some photos, he proceeds to lean over and give a kiss.  #heartinapuddle #neverletthisend
I feel like he matured so much over the summer.  The photo that we took together on his last day in preschool just 2 months earlier, he looks SO much younger.  #cryingeyesout
He melts me.
His brand new teacher.  We know he's going to love her and kindergarten.  Love how brother is peeking around his stroller.  Ha.
Sign me up!!  :)
Navy boy was getting a little restless.  He was ready to blow that joint.  :) After he emptied his snacks/crumbs all over his stroller seat.  Oy!
Jer was trying to comfort him so I could continue my mamarazzi-ness with Bossy and documenting our the whole event and classroom.
His "mom lets get the heck out of dodge look."
I wasn't fast enough.  Sorry for the funny photo Mrs. Martin!  :)
After leaving his classroom, we headed over toward the cafeteria where the PTA had several tables set up for parents to sign up for PTA and to buy some spirit apparel.  I got a cute school shirt for him, signed up for PTA and purchased a magnet and shirts for Jer and I to wear.  Yes, I'll be "that" mom that hopes to be up at the school helping out whenever and where ever I can.
Since it was dinner time by the time we left, we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory to continue the celebration as a family.
It's was a great night, but I'm still not ready to have a kindergartner.  I'm still wanting/needing more time with him and missing our days where we spent every waking hour together as a toddler.  Ahhhh....so sad.


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