
Color Me Geometry

Geometry was never my strong suit in school.  Nothing about it excited me.  It was bor-ing.  I'm not the mathy type of person anyway.  

But the moment I saw this picture on pinterest that changed.  I was in geometry heaven.  All the angles and symmetry were perfect.  I wanted it.  I wanted to make it.  

So I did.  

I did my own variation of colors but it turned out better than I thought it would.  

Two words: in love.

Back when who knows when (let's just say 6 months to a year ago) I was browsing Goodwill and bought this frame.  I didn't have a certain picture in mind for it but I liked the color of the frame.  I'm kinda into the gold-ish color/look right now (I be posting more about that very soon).  It's just so classy and it goes with anything, anywhere.  Anywho, when I thought of doing this project I wanted to do it as cheap as possible.  
And no project can get much cheaper than 5 buckaroos.  That's the total of this project.  You wanna know how?  Well, because as you see this frame was $5.  
And the paper I used was zero dollars because....they are simply stolen free paint chips from home depot.  I searched their paint chip section and pulled (double) all of the colors that I wanted to use (I later went and got a deep blue to add to the mix).  I had a whole stack in my hand which then went right into my purse.  I'll admit, it felt really weird taking something from the store and sticking it into my purse.  

These are the colors I chose.  Their mostly soft pastel colors with a touch of dark ones, too.
I also had a full piece of white poster board (if you don't have this, they are about $1 at walmart) in my craft closet (so that was also zero dollars) that was perfect for what I needed to use it for.  After I cut the paint chips to the size I wanted, I laid them out on the poster board just like the picture from pinterest.  It didn't take long at all.  The longest part was taking my Elmer's glue (already had, $0), applying the glue (using a little brush, again $0) to the backs of the paint chips and gluing them down.  

As for the color combination, I just randomly placed them.  Not worrying about which colors were next to which.  Not being too methodical about it.  
And about an hour into Boston's nap, it was done and beautiful and these pictures were taken.  

Oh I forgot, I made sure to leave some room (about 3 inches) all the way around my design so that the poster board would surround it and acts as a "mat" to the frame and then cut the board to fit my frame.   
The frame is a little worn and beat up a bit in certain places but I really don't mind it.  It gives it little more character than having to look sleek and chic.  
I know it's a bummer....buuut I haven't chosen a home for this pretty lady.  But when I do, you will know!
What do you think....would you do something like this?  Are you into geometry?  I'm in love with her.  I think a geometric picture/something could work in any household.  It could bring a little umph and spice to a room.  



Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE THIS. Although I say that every time you post a DIY project, but I do!! So much easier and cheaper than a quilt, but just as adorable ;)

Joi said...

Love this!

Anonymous said...

I love this!!! I think I may steal this idea for a gallery wall I'm working on in my living room!!

Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Unknown said...

I love this, and the colors you chose are perfect.

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

You are so crafty!! I love this. I will be attempting this at some point!

Stacey @ Likes to Smile said...

Wow! So simple and it looks so complicated!! It's stunning!

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