
weekend recap and some fun news

- we discovered that B loves hummus.  he loved eating it with his carrots.  at first, he just licked it off his carrots until he saw me bite the carrot with the hummus on it.  monkey see monkey do, lately.  this open nature brand is one of my favorites.  mainly because they don't put any nitrates in their foods.  if we don't go organic, we try to buy this open nature brand.  especially for our hot dogs.    
- we went to Saturday church again this week.  we are loving it.  it's not as crowded and it's at a perfect time, right before dinner time.  plus, we always plan to get there about 45 minutes before it starts so that we have time to check B into his children's ministry class and have our alone time while sipping some coffee (iced nonfat mocha is my latest favorite/obsession).  it's one of my favorite part of our weekends - being able to just sit, take pictures, chat, tweet/facebook, gaze into each other's eyes, relax and prepare for our service.  it's a must-do for us.  the best part, we know B is in good hands plus he's playing with other friends (something that is so beneficial for him at this age).  
- after church we headed out to meet our pretty dang awesome friends for dinner.  not to mention, Cash is Boston's best friend.  even though they don't know it yet.  :)  if Boston was born when he was supposed to be born (november 9th) then they would have been only 2-3 weeks apart.  instead, they are almost 2 months apart.  perfect for being buddies for life.  Mer, Cash's mom, is one of my sorority sisters and I love her to pieces.  seriously, she has to be the sweetest momma friend ever.  wish we didn't live 45 minutes apart.  nonetheless, we had a great time as always.  the boys shared their train (pushed it back and forth to each other), copied each other's every move and gave high fives before we left.  did i mention that I love them?  well, i do.  :)
- cut Boston's much-needed-to-be-cut hair.  he was looking too much like a hippy.  i like his hair long but not that long.  (these pictures were from last month)  we set him in a chair on the back patio, put his cape on and turned on a video.  and we got'r done.  and yes, I cut both Boston's and Jer's hair (for the past 3 years).  it's an easy way to save some of our coins.  and Jer doesn't seem to mind my skills.  he's a risk taker, I guess....since i've never had any type of formal hair-cut training.  thank goodness hair grows.
 Jer noticed that Boston's tree is growing flowers!  However, we thought that we got a tree that bloomed RED flower.  Ooops!  Just pretend those are red and not hot pink!  

- oh and one more thing.  I'm so excited for this week!!!  Not only will I be posting about our anniversary trip to Austin last month buuuutt I'll also be sharing our long over due post about our trip to San Francisco last year.  July 2011 to be exact.  It was our first vacation as a family of 3 (Boston had just turned 9 months old).  Ohhh and the coolest part (at least to us and our memory file) is I'll be giving you a little treat too!  Eeeepp.  So excited!  I've been working on these posts for way too long, as you know.  I hope you'll enjoy them too and hopefully it'll give you a little more insight on how we are as "people" (you'll know what I mean when the posts are posted).  ;)

My only dilemma is deciding on which post I should post first.  The very old took-too-long-to-post post or the most recent one?!  Decisions, decisions.  Such is life.

Oh, last thing, the first one will be posted tomorrow!

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  1. San Francisco! San Francisco! (that's my vote!) hahaha. And yay for hummus. This mama is going grocery shopping today - thanks for adding another thing to my list :)

  2. Looking forward to reading about your vacations!!! P.S. - such a cute picture of you giving Boston a hair-cut!!

  3. So cute (and smart) cutting your kids hair! Excited to hear about the SF trip :)

  4. Hey girl! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. I'm one of the co-hosts! Thanks for linking up!

    I hope you had an awesome day! :)



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