
Quick Summer Recipe: Corn Salsa

One of Jer's favorite's is when I make this corn salsa.  The guy can put down some corn salsa and tortilla chips.  I secretly think he should have been Latin, too.  :)  He L.O.V.E. loves it.  I make it maayyyybe once every two months.  If he's lucky.  

But since it's summer and it's very light and healthy I decided I'd make it more often this summer.  I've actually made it twice this summer.

When I say its easy that means there's no cooking, blender action or baking.  Just some plain ol' cutting of some veggies/a corn bag, shaking (your salt) and squeezing (your lime) involved.  
Here's what you'll need:  

sweet corn * avocado * lime * cilantro * onion * salt * tomato * black beans (optional)

Most times, I add a can of black beans to it but I didn't have any on hand.  
 Once your veggies are cut, you mix everything together.  Annnd....wholla!  You have yourself some delicious refreshing corn salsa to add to any meal or just eat alone with some chips.
 This evening, we included it as a side to our meal.  Steak, white beans & brown rice (short grain which has the most nutrients) and corn salsa.  It was....Perfecto!


  1. This recipie looks so good - I decided to make it today. Im a new follower and love your blog, you have such a sweet little family :) and ps: I'm barely 5ft in height and thought I was the only one


  2. How funny! This is one of my posts for the next week!!! Except I add black beans to mine. It's a summer staple in our house! SO GOOD! :-)

  3. That looks great! I love corn salsa! I will try this recipe. Stacie xo

  4. new follower :) found you on all my love for all my days
    Misty @ http://monkeysandtutus.blogspot.com

  5. yuummmy
    it look delicious !!


  6. I was just making my TJ's shopping list... I'm going to make this for the office this week. Looks delicous. I hope the Cook's are having a great weekend! :)

  7. great recipe!!! So easy and looks so delicious! i need to try this!

  8. Looks delicious!

    I followed you and I just started a blog, it's dutch. But you could use translate of course. Following me would mean alot!

  9. This looks SO yummy. There's a little Mexican place in Oklahoma that has this kind of salsa and I'm obsessed with it. I will be pinning this :)


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