
Since we've been home

Boston's first pediatrician appointment...
The day after we were released from the hospital Boston got to meet his pediatrician at his first appointment. Then we went back a week and a half later for his 2 week check-up. At both appointments Dr. Shori said he looked great!

Visitors ...
We have been blessed that so many family and friends have come over to meet Mr. B. We are expecting more in the near future!

Bath Time...
Boston had his first bath a few weeks ago and, of course, we had to document it. We took some video and some pictures. We love taking pictures of his "firsts" so we'll have them for his photo albums. We might be going a little overboard with pictures for him but hopefully he'll appreciate all of them when he gets older. I know I will! :)

Boston's Newborn Photo Session...
Last weekend, we took Boston to get some newborn pictures taken. We were referred to Pumpkin Pie Photography by Elizabeth Fuller. We can't wait to see his photo gallery! I know we're gonna love them all. They should be ready within the next couple of weeks!

Our first trip to the grocery store...
About a week after we got home from the hospital, we finally took our first trip to the grocery store. It was a little bit of a challenge because we didn't know what to do with Boston's car seat. It wouldn't fit on the cart. So Jer turned the car seat around and rigged it to fit but it was crooked. So Jer had to hold it constantly so that we didn't tip him over! Not sure what I'm going to do when I have to go to the store by myself. Especially since I couldn't see over the car seat to drive the cart! Ha.

Tummy time...
We heard that having tummy time will benefit Boston so we decided to try it a few weeks ago. Needless to say, he DID NOT like it. I wasn't sure if he was too little to try it but after some encouraging words from friends I'm confident I did the right thing. We are going to continue to practice each day and I hope he doesn't hate me for making him do it. :)

Here's a video of Boston hating tummy time.


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