
Home sweet home...

Sunday, October 3rd, the day after the love of our life, Boston, was born we were moved from L&D to the postpartum department of Baylor.  While in postpartum I was able to relax and recover.  That night through Tuesday evening Jer and I or just Jer would go over to the NICU to visit Boston to change and feed him.  He was on a schedule of feedings every 3 hours and we made sure one or both of us were there, however, we did miss a few 5:30am feedings to get our sleep in before the next feeding.  Those feedings and visits were the highlights of our days.  Jer would wheel me down there each time since I was still healing and couldn't walk that far.  Tuesday, we went to one of Boston's feedings and his NICU nurse informed us that he could room-in with us!!!  We were in shock and so excited!  She brought him to our room later that evening to stay with us!  We no longer had to leave our room to go see our baby.  I was emotional about it because I had missed him so much and felt like a part of me was missing when he wasn't with us.  I felt like he was so far from us and that he wasn't getting to hear our voices and bond with us.  On Wednesday, we were told I could be released but when my doctor came by to check on me she said she was uncomfortable releasing me because my blood pressure was still too high.  She wanted me to stay another day to see how things went.  I was bummed about it but didn't mind since we had Boston in our room at that point.  :) Finally, what seemed like a forever long hospital stay, my doctor "okay'd" me to go home on Thursday.  Boston had been discharged earlier that day and by the time I had been discharged it was almost 7pm.  By the time everything was all said and done we ended up getting home around 10pm.  Getting home with our new baby was such an awesome feeling but at the same time very scary.  Here, we had this little guy that we had to feed, take care of and keep alive!  Ha.  But we got settled in back at home and everything came to us very naturally.  He has been such a good baby and we've had fun with him every since.  Of the several hundred pictures we took of the delivery and hospital stay here are a few:

My favorite - "skin to skin" with Boston at one of our feedings/visits
1st sponge bath with help from his NICU nurse
Boston in his bassinett for the first time!


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