
Navy Turns 1 Month

Oh Navy, son.  You are truly an amazing blessing.  This whole months has been one for the memory books.  We are so in love with you and feel overwhelmingly blessed that you are a part of our family. Forever.  
A little bit about your 1st month:

- you aren't a fan of your carseat just yet, but still keeping our fingers crossed that you do one day soon.
- you aren't a fan of diaper changes, either.  
- you sleep perfectly during the day
- you had your first check up on October 21st with Dr. Shori
- you had your second check up on October 28
- you haven't been gaining any weight.  In fact, you've been losing weight so Dr. Shori has been keeping a close eye on you.  She's also having me eat lots of high fat food in hopes of you gaining some weight.  
- you had your first pumped breast milk bottle the day before you turned 2 weeks old (Oct 28th)
- had first formula bottle (1 once) the day you turned 2 weeks old (Oct 29) in an effort to help you gain weight.  I cried like a baby and was absolutely heart broken but knew it was the best thing to do for you.
- you started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old from midnight to about 6-7am. 
- you had your first real bath at 2 weeks and 1 day (Oct 30).  The others were just wipe downs.  
- started noticing baby acne on your face and neck the day you turned 3 weeks old (Nov 5th).  I was so confused.  I had never even heard of this.  But the doctor assured us that it's normal and you would eventually outgrow it.  
- you love being carried in my wrap.  I carry you everywhere we go and you keep nice and comfy.  Sleeping 90% of the time.  

All in all, you have been the highlight of our month and we are so excited to do life with you.

We'll love you forever,
Mama, Dada and Bossy

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