
33.5 Weeks and Bed Rest - Day 1

The time has come once again. The familiar bed rest orders from the doctor.  It's rather unfortunate for this hormonal, emotional, baby-carrying mama.  I remember last time I was put on bed rest (at 33 weeks) crying all-the-stinkin-time.  I couldn't gather myself.  I don't know, but maybe it was because I was put on immediate hospital bed rest instead of "home" bed rest like this time.  Which I am very thankful for.

Thankfully, my bp hasn't elevated to the point of hospital bed rest and we are praying like warriors that it doesn't.  Praying I can keep it down long enough to keep this baby cooking a lot longer than Bossy did.  The worst part of it all is that I again wasn't prepared for this.  I literally keep thinking of every thing I should be getting done, cleaning, packing, laundry, packaging orders, etc. before this baby arrives.  My hospital bag isn't even packed.

So how this started....last Friday I went to my doctor appointment and noticed that my blood pressure had elevated a little.  So she told me to go home and monitor it all weekend and if it went above the 140/90 mark to call her on Monday.  It did twice over the weekend so we made the call Monday morning.  However, we didn't get a call back on Monday so I called first thing Tuesday morning and got a call back from the nurse about an hour later telling me that Dr. K wanted me to come in later that day to check my bp and get some blood work taken.  At the appointment, it wasn't too high, it wasn't high enough for her to admit me into the hospital, but it was high enough for her to order me on bed rest at home until Thursday (tomorrow).  However, she did mention that if "home" bed rest doesn't work, it will be an automatic "go check yourself into the hospital" kinda day on Thursday.  What does bed rest mean?  It means I can only get up to shower and use the bathroom.  That's it.  And boy does it kill me.  I'm always on the go doing something and this is just the pits!  All of my motherly duties have been striped away and are now on the shoulders of my amazing husband.  I have 100% confidence in him but gosh darn it, I want to be doing it all.  Not to mention, he now has to work from home as much as he can with a toddler around until this baby is born.

All the while I'm laid up in the bed relaxing, watching daytime shows (which hasn't happened since the early months of Boston being born, tv is just something we never turn on during the day unless I let him watch a show or movie), responding to emails, blogging, editing pictures, checking my Facebook/instagram and sleeping.  Even though this was my first full day, there's been tons of guilt creeping up on me even though I'm constantly reminded by the hubby that I need to enjoy/take advantage of this down time before I have 2 kids that will be depending on me 24/7.    Easier said than done for this mama.  

To be continued....


  1. I can't imagine being on bed rest! I'm like you, I'd feel guilty especially with the hubster working and with a toddler too! We are praying that everything goes well and you and the baby are ok <3

  2. Praying for you! Hope the BP stays under control.

  3. Oh goodness! I hate to hear that :( I hope things went well today and you are NOT in the hospital at the moment. No matter what, you're doing what's best for baby so it will all be worth it, as I know you are well aware. Try to enjoy the downtime while you can...those newborns tend to be pretty demanding ;)


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