
First Soccer Season For The B-Man

That's right....little man is playing SOCCER!!  What what!!  We are thrilled...actually beyond thrilled for him.  He's about to turn 4 in October so he's now eligible to get on a 3 and under team.  This season is going to be so much fun.  A few weeks ago we signed him up, paid our money and the next weekend, we headed out to the local sports store for all of his "gear."  And, of course, we made it a big deal. It was definitely a family affair.
The soccer cleats and the shin guards were ah-dorable!!  I couldn't get over how cute and little they were.  His cleats were a size 12 and his shin guards were size xs small, you know, for 3-4 four year olds.  Buuutt, the shin guards unfortunately ended up being way too small.  Mister has some thick calves, apparently.  Ha.  
Two weeks ago we got our first email from his coach introducing himself and giving us all of the information about the team.  And one of the things he mentioned was the their team name.  The Sidekicks.  What's cool, is that's the exact same name of the team that I grew up playing on from 4th grade to 9th grade (until I reached high school)!  I could't believe it.  Since my dad was my soccer coach growing up, I immediately text my dad telling him.  It was too cool.

So, like any other "firsts," we had to document his first soccer practice last Friday.  I'm sure to be that mom at the practices and games that are taking loads of pictures and videos on the sidelines.  Ha.  But I'm okay with that.  Oh and at one point, I went onto the field to get a closer picture, Boston saw me and yelled, "Get out of the game, mama!"  Haha.  I couldn't stop laughing!!  :)

We got a little headband for him to wear for his games so that his hair stays out of his face while he's playing.  You know, so he can focus on making those goals.  :)
We are so happy with his coach.  He's so calm and patient with the kids.  We couldn't have gotten a better one.

Our little soccer stud.  This would be a great "wedding day" slideshow picture....his first season of soccer at the age of 3.  Ha.
We are so excited for this season and can't wait to watch him grow as a soccer player!


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