
August Random Happenings

August has flown by.  I can't even believe we are approaching September....and the fall season.  However, it is a exciting since fall means baby. :)  Here's a peek at a little of the things that we've been up to.

Pei Wei lunch after church.  Most times we go to church on Saturday evenings which we love so much.  By the time we get out of church its perfect timing for dinner.  But this one weekend, life happened, so we ended up going on Sunday and had a family lunch with some yummy Asian food.  
Our go-to snack is still yogurt and granola.  It's Bossy's breakfast every-single-morning, too.  But since I've been craving protein and dairy I've joined in on the action each day.
 Sometime during the 27th week (in a $9 walmart dress).
 During the 28th week.
Another one of my walmart dresses that I got a few weeks back for only $9!  I bought them, tried them on and surprisingly they fit perfectly and so comfy.  The perfect summer/pregnancy dress.
 A weekend outing for dinner to Spring Creek Barbeque.
 Soccer practice for B-man.  He loves it....a lot.
 Looking like such a big boy.  Quit growing, please.  Please!

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