
The Day We Found Out Blessing #2 Was On The Way

On the morning of February 23rd, we were reminded once again of Gods love and faithfulness.  

I had been feeling a little different.  Different in my lower stomach area.  I knew that it wasn't time for "that time of the month" but kinda thought something was going on downtown.  :)  And since we had been trying for a baby I figured, why not.  Why not take a test.  So we woke up, got Boston some breakfast and I went to do my thing.  We waited about 5 minutes and we were itching to go into the bathroom to read what it said.  Since I am always too nervous, I sent Jer into the bathroom while I watched from the bed.  His reaction is always priceless.  It was just like last time...he picks it up, mouth opens wide and smiles.  By that time I'm standing right next to him and we both just start laughing/crying/oh my goodenss'ing/in shock/ecstatic....well you get it.  It was amazing!  All in about 30 seconds our lives had changed for the best.  Meanwhile, little Bossy is still sitting in the kitchen eating his breakfast.  

We knew that since he's a chatty little thing it would be best to keep this to ourselves until we get everything confirmed at our first sonogram appointment almost 3 weeks later.  So a secret we kept.  From everyone! For almost a month.

For about a week after learning about a new baby, every time we would think about it it would put a huge smile on our faces.  They were definitely "wow I can't believe this is happening" kinda smiles.  

However, the special day wouldn't be the same without a similar picture like the one that we took the day we found out we were expecting Boston.   
We stuck with the same Clearblue tests since we like seeing the word pregnant on it.  :)  This time around they had new and improved tests.  They now say the week of gestation that you are.  And I have to say, it was right on the nose since I was a little more than a week out from it being "that time" for me.  Isn't that cool?  How clever, Clearblue!
 It's fun to see this picture with our little man in it with us.  And daddy representing baby #2.  :)
It was such an awesome morning.  One that we'll never forget.  And it will definitely go into the memory book.  It's often still so weird to think that we won't only have Bossy anymore.  That we will have another little human running around here eventually.  I can't quite fathom it just yet.  But I know it'll be amazing.  We are so thankful to our Lord for His grace.  It always amazes me that we as woman can grow a human.  Absolutely miraculous.

Next up....our tradition that we did for Boston and now for the new baby.  :)



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