
Something Exciting I've Been Cooking!

Coming in November.....a BABY!!!!  

We are absolutely thrilled to be expanding our little family and to finally share the news!!  After a private/devastating miscarriage in early December we wanted to safely get past the first trimester before giving our announcement.  I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and feeling amazing.  This pregnancy is very similar to the one with Boston (his was perfect till the end).  Although, this one, I've had a few headaches and one episode where I thought I was having a heart attack.  Turns out it was just heartburn.  As for energy and nausea, energy hasn't changed a bit and I had nausea roughly 4-5 days (right before bedtime), which is 4-5 more times than I had with Boston, but thankfully they were all in the evening since I have an active toddler to chase around all day!  

This pregnancy is considered high risk due to the birth that we ended up experiencing with Boston which you can read about HERE.  But we're confident that the Lord is going to give us a smooth end-of-pregnancy this time around.  :)

Oh and gender....well, like Boston, we are not finding out the gender until the birth!  I'm an odd duck in the fact that I have no desire to know the gender.  Plus, we had such a fun time being surprised when Boston was born we plan to do it all over again with this little Cook.  It's such an amazing surprise, too.  Especially since Jer got to walk out into the waiting room where all of our family and friends were and announcing...."It's A...." and "It's Name Is....." while it was videotaped.  

I absolutely love being pregnant and I'm extremely excited to grow this little human that will soon become our son/daughter and Boston's sibling.  

Can't wait to share more of this pregnancy along the way!  

Next week I'll be sharing what tradition we are continuing to do that we also did from the beginning/still do for Boston along with the day we found out we were adding a little addition.



  1. Oh, congratulations! I'm so happy or you!!

  2. Congrats! I love your blog tags, haha.

  3. You're the cutest, momma! Congratulations!!!

  4. Congrats!!! We didn't find out with either of our girls either! Too few surprises in life!! :)

  5. Congrats! I love Boston´s face in the picture!

  6. Congrats sweet friend! So excited to be back blogging and following your adventures!!! Praying for you tonight. Missed your precious blog!

  7. Congratulations, Girl!! So very exciting! Boston is going to be a great big brother!!! And I love the pic of y'all!!!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Congratulations on the new pregnancy. I'll be praying that this one is healthy and happy!


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