
Boca Raton - April 2014 - Day 3

Oh day 3.  What a great day you were.  Bossy started off the day by people/pool/ocean wave watching by the balcony door.  Although we didn't have much of a balcony.  While I got myself ready to head down to grab some breakfast with him.  Daddy had one last seminar class to attend that morning and wouldn't be done until around 11:30 so we fed ourselves some outside patio eating at one of the hotels breakfast restaurants.
It was a beautiful morning to enjoy a breakfast outside.
Once we were done, we headed back to the hotel room.  And to our surprise daddy was done early and got back to the room shortly after we did.  We all got ready and headed down to the pool to enjoy it as a family.  The first family day of the trip.  It was blissful.  
He was so brave.  He jumped on out there with his floats with no fear.  He's cautious but fearless at the same time.  
Then some girls (teenage age) came along and asked him if he wanted to get on the whale and they would push him around.  Ha.  It was hilarious at how doting on him they were.  All Jer and I could do was laugh because Boston was totally soaking it up.  
Then they proceeded to put him on the inner tube and push him around like he was a king.  This guy!
Meanwhile, I was sipping on a blue raspberry drink poolside.  Excuse the hideous nails.
Nothings better than having lunch beach and ocean side.  Turkey mushroom burger (without the bun) was delish.
After the pool we got dressed and headed out to the "main" hotel for some dinner.  But first we had to take the hotel shuttle.  
 We opted for sushi.  And Boston got the chicken teriyaki.
 Then we headed over across the hall to the famous Serendipity ice cream restaurant for a dessert.
 I almost got their frozen hot chocolate but then decided on some cookie dough topped with sprinkles.
 Boston insisted on seeing all of the waterfalls so we ended up taking a stroll around the hotel to see all it had.  It was all so beautiful and well groomed.
 We ended by taking a stroll along the pier to see all of the boats docked on the channel.
 As we were standing outside waiting for our shuttle back to our hotel, a very nice couple asked if we would like our picture taken.  Absolutely!  And thank you!
 He even took it at different angles.  Now that's my kinda picture taking!
We got back to the hotel room watched a movie, did a little blogging and then crashed out. Unfortunately, it was our last night there.  But thankfully we had an evening flight so we could do a little beach or pool action the next morning before we head out.


1 comment:

  1. i love his green shoes!
    what resort did you stay at?! its so lovely!


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