
Holiday Cupcake Making

Even though these aren't "holiday" looking cupcakes....we made them over the holidays.  So we can now call them our holiday cupcakes, right?  Makes sense to me.  :)

One of the many things we did over the holidays was make some cupcakes.  Who doesn't love loads of shark candy/icing topped cupcakes?!  We sure do.  We are a family of sweets.  But you already knew that.  

This night, we let B top them with whatever he wanted.  We set out about 5 different little sprinkle toppings and let him go to town.  And he did.  But we didn't want to ruin the holiday spirit so we let him feast on all that goodness.

 One hot mess of a cupcake right there.
Low-key nights like this is my kind of jam.


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