
Pictures With A Clicker

My all time favorite Christmas gift from Jer could quite possible be the remote clicker that he got for my Nikon camera.  We bust that thing out all the time when we need to get some shots of us as a family.  It's truly the best invention, ever.

For Thanksgiving this year, like every year, we pulled got ready and stepped out on our back patio and took lots of family shots before we headed out to my family's Thanksgiving lunch.  These are the shots that made the cut after many outtakes which I just might post here on the blog with the hubbies permission.  Ha.  Because lets put it this way, they could be quite embarrassing for him in particular.  :)



  1. I totally need one of those.. I set the timer in mine and run!!! Lmao.. These are adorable pictures..

  2. These are so cute! We used the clicker for our Christmas card picture this year. It definitely comes in handy sometimes!


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