
Outside With My Little Lover

Every once in a while I like to post about our time together alone.  Mine and B's.  I love our time together.  Early mornings and after naps are my favorite.  Whether we are either doing a craft, learning time or playing outside I soak it all in.  Because I KNOW one day I'll wish I could go back just for one day to spend the day alone with just him, again.  He's such a little adventurer and just a fun little human to be around.

This day, we spent the afternoon outside.  Post nap.  He brought his favorite car out there to drive, too.  And he would constantly stop to find rolley polley's and let them crawl all over his hands while saying, "wook, momma they tickle me!" and "I'll put them in the grass so they can eat" he's so kind and gentle with them.  It melts me.  Everything about him melts me.
And then I look over to see this happening.  Boys.
This face kills me.


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