
Time Was Up For Burnt Orange

As much as we are 100% burnt orange (UT) fans we were a little tired of it in our half bath, one of the bathrooms that we use the most downstairs.  Plus, its the bathroom that our guests would have to use and most are not UT fans.  :)  So in order to save our friendships we decided to go with something a little more neutral....like gray and stripes!  Who doesn't love stripes and gray?

Waaaayy back in June when I posted this picture on instagram we were in the process of this change.  It was the night before we were hosting a father's day lunch for both mine and Jer's family so we had to get it done.  And fast.  Last minute is the Cook way of doing things.  We work best under pressure, I guess.
So, here's the before:
See that black wall?  Well, first, we thought we'd try to stencil something all along the back wall using a homemade stencil.  But no bueno.  1) it looked a little wonky and 2) it would have taken us 80 million hours (almost) to get it done and I wasn't even sure I would like it.  So we ex-nayed that idea.  I then called Home Depot right before they closed to see if they could mix me up some more black paint since we had used most of the quart we had gotten earlier that day and wouldn't have enough left to do stripes after we re-painted that wall white.  That wall has now been painted 4 times.  Ha.

We decided that we would paint the back wall white (from leftovers), add black 10 inch thick stripes and then paint the rest of the bathroom requisite gray from Sherwin Williams, which we already had on hand.  
We tag teamed it.  I cut-in with the gray (which is always my part) while Jer worked on getting the stripes just right.  Making sure they wouldn't turn out different sizes and uneven.
And just like that (not) they were done!  It actually took us about 5-6 hours to complete including the stencil idea.  And I loooove them.  All three colors make the room look so different.
After we pulled the tape off, we had a little bleed thru since our walls are textured so I took a thin artist brush and went over the black with white paint to clean it up a bit.
Adding the finishing touches.
The view from the small hallway leading into the bathroom. 
In due time, we'll be tackling that mirror.  It needs some type of frame around it.
This stand was spray painted white and the shelves were spray pained a nickel color.
Our instagram picture frame that we made earlier this year.
This wedding anniversary gift that I got Jer 2 years ago needed a home.  And she fits perfectly here, for now.  :)
Best hand soap ever.
This wall art was covered with fabric from Ikea but was originally a huge canvas painting that I no longer wanted.  I wanted to be sure to use things that I had already on hand and I remember I had picked up a yard of this earlier this year.  It's a little lop-sided but it gives it a little extra character (at least thats what I like to tell myself).
I wrapped it similar to a Christmas present and glued the fabric on the back with a glue gun.
Little man's step stool that he pretty much no longer needs because he's gotten so tall.
Here's another before and after:
Doesn't this look like a whole new room?  It certainly does to us.  



  1. It looks so great!! You guys did a great job.

  2. That totally looks like a different room! It looks amazing, and I can tell you both put a lot of work into it!

  3. CUTE! Love those stripes! I would love to do a striped wall in our utility room, but I'm not sure Arsen or I either one have the patience :)

  4. I'm an Oklahoma fan so burnt orange would not be for me. :) :) But I love the black and white stripes, and the idea of the instragram photos. It looks great!

  5. i LOVE those stripes!!
    and that instagram poster is perfection! what size/how many photos did you use?!

  6. What was the the correct name and brand paint for that burnt orange

  7. I like the burnt orange too. What was the col our name and brand paint?


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