
Our Most Favorite Type of Date Nights

Friday night date.

Jer text me around 3pm and asked me if Boston could go spend the night with my parents because my mom had asked him if they could have him for the night.  I said, "Yes!"  Then Jer proceeded to tell me that he would be leaving work around 4pm and for me to be ready and to have Boston packed so that when he got home we could head out for a date night.

So that's what I did.  I quickly got in the shower, while B played on the iPap (as he calls it) and got ready.  Then packed his bag.

By the time Jer got home, my mom was almost to our house to pick up the B-man.  She loaded him up and they took off.

Then Jer and I headed out to sushi.  That's always on the top of our list to eat when we go out for dinner.  Since one of my really close friends just had a baby, we headed over to visit their new sweet little guy.  We spent a good hour with them and then headed over to Barnes and Noble where we finished our night.  I read DIY magazines while Jer did a little work.

Now that's our kinda date night.  Sushi, friends and magazine reading.  Who doesn't love to just read magazines at B&N?  It's so calm and quiet.  Pretty much perfect to me.

Can't wait until the next one.

Oh and getting to sleep in was blissful.



  1. Sounds like a great evening! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like my kind of date night!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sounds like our most recent date night. I love chilling at Barnes and Nobles with something hot in my hands.

    I'm your newest (blog) follower. I've been following you on Instagram though!



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