
How We Do Ikea

Ohhh Ikea....you are amazing.  

I mean, I could live inside of you if they would allow it and also not think I had lost my marbles.  Walking through you never gets old.  I only wish I could buy every-single-thing you carry.

Over the weekend, we decided to drive 35 minutes to our closest Ikea for some goodies.  We kinda knew what we were getting but that always tends to change.  So we weren't sure what we would walk out with.  
 Food always keeps him full and occupied....for a little bit.
 Oh and mirrors, too.  :)
 And, of course, the iPad and Jake's Pirate school.  He's obsessed!
 Table legs.  Some legs ended up going home with us!!  More on this soon.  Eek.  Can't wait to show you what we did with these.
 After an hour of B sitting in the cart, he had ants in his pants.  So we got him out for some riding.
 And pushing.  Still his favorite thing to do.
Thankfully we bought just what we needed and didn't break the bank.  Probably because we had B with us, when the bambino is in tow, we tend to speed through stores.  :)

Do y'all love Ikea, too?  Don't you just love everything?  I sure do.  It's kind of a sickness.  Thank goodness it's not a few minutes away.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! You were right by me, girl! We seriously need to plan another meet up...it's been over a year now, it's ridiculous. And let me tell you, living five minutes from IKEA can be dangerous!


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