
Can't Get Enough of Gold Jars

Way back in February when the grass was still dead and brown, I pulled out some glass jars to gold-ify them.  I was on a gold kick back then and still am.  Little touches of gold was what I needed.  

What better way to do that with than glass jars?  It's so simple and easy.  My favorite type of projects.

A little blue painters tape and gold spray paint later and you have some gold jars.  
My make-up brush jar that you saw in my previous post regarding the master bathroom. :)
I love them.  I need to do some more, soon.

Have you painted some jars lately?  I have so many glass jars that I've collected lately from pasta sauce, pickles and olives that I could use some ideas.  :)



  1. This is such a cute idea, and I love the gold.

  2. I took cheap solar lights and detached them from the pegs and filled up my glass jars with dollar tree rocks and stuck just the solar light part in the rocks and places them on my patio all over. They look twinkly at night.


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