
What We've Been Up To: 7 things

1. You already know that we have a meat eater on our hands.  So much so that as soon as we get our deli meat (our first stop in the grocery store) Boston starts asking for some ham.  He then proceeds to eat about half the pound in the bag.  Proof.
2.  We've started learning what coins are.  A few months back I saw some magnetic play coins at the dollar store.  They are perfect for B's little magnet board in his room.  But I have to say, the best learning is from actual real coins.  He gets a better concept on exactly what they look like and their size differences.  
3. It was a Friday night.  Daddy was home.  So that calls for a living room fort.  
4. We have loved our outside time lately.  Since we have curtains hanging from our back patio it helps a ton keeping it cool back there.  We are usually doing lots of this:
and this.  Swinging.
5. Boston loves butterflies, roly polys and ladybugs.  Those are the main things that are always in our backyard.  Even though he loves them, he's a little rough with them.  This poor little butterfly wasn't feeling too well after being man-handled by Mr. B.  So we put him on a blade of grass in hopes of reviving himself.  We were a little scared he wouldn't ever fly again.
This little ladybug was crawling around so fast it was hard to get a clear picture of her but see that little dent on her back?  Yeah, that's from Boston grabbing her too tight.  
6.  The water table has officially joined us again for the summer.  Boston is always so fascinated with the water hose.  And I hate wasting water.

7.  We recently visited Trader Joe's for the very first time.  And it was marvelous to say the least.  Although it did help that I went with my friend who is a Trader Joe's extraordinaire.  She told me what was delish and what to buy.  While I was there I saw these beauties and picked them up.  Hydrangea.  They are the most beautiful plant species - in my mind.  I am determined to grow them in my backyard someday.  Hopefully soon.  Ohh and they are currently residing in our guest bedroom (will be moved soon downstairs so I can looked star-ey eyed into them all day) which I will be previewing very soon!  We are going to start re-doing that room and you'll be coming along with us.  It's one of the rooms in our house that has desperately needed some attention for a while.  It's decorated with a mixture of things.  Like unfinished wood drawers and an old love seat that we had in college.  Ummm, this wasn't supposed to go that deep about our guest bedroom but it did.  Anyway, I can't wait to show y'all what we do with that room.  And after seeing it, you'll know why it needs some updating!


  1. Looks like you've been having lots of fun. Your hydrangeas are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  2. How have be beautiful great weekend.
    The baby as a real funny and so cute.


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