
Our Fastest Trip To Florida Ever - Boca Raton

So we went and came.  Just like that it was over.

4 days and 3 nights can go extremely fast when you're having too much fun with your boytoy.  Just like the old adage....time flies when you're having fun.  Its true.  Unfortunately.

So this trip was a little different.  It wasn't technically a vacation it was more of a "work/play" trip.  See that word work was what took us to Florida.  I wrote more about why we went in this post.  It wasn't all play.  Jer had to attend a few conferences (on average about 2 hours worth) each day.  Which wasn't bad at all.

The best part.  We took another couple with us.  A claims handler that Jer works for.  Robert and his wife Jill.  I'd never met either of them and Jer had never met Jill.  So as you can imagine I was a little nervous wondering if I'd get along with her, especially since we are the wives that would be hanging out together pretty much non-stop while the men attended their conferences.

The clouds parted and the angels sang....and we hit it off immediately!!  As soon as we met them at the airport.  They were awesome.  Like seriously, if I were to choose two people to go on a trip with that I had never met, it would be THEM!  And now?  I kinda miss being with them.  :)

Anyway, back to why this trip was a little different.  You see....I usually take about 2 thousand pictures and about a million hours worth of video on our trips (you already know this, though)  This time.  VERY little video and VERY little "real" pictures with the big camera.  Most of these pictures are collectively from mine and Jer's IPHONES!!!  Can you believe it?

Didn't think so.

I'm still shocked myself.  And I'm not even sure why except for.....I didn't want Jill and Robert to really think I was crazy.  They figured out that I was a crazy lady but the whole taking-pictures-of-every-little-thing would have thrown them over the edge.  I'm sure of it.  So I refrained myself.

So here's what we ended up with.  Some pictures from the Nikon and iphones.

A little note I left on the table for Boston to get when he sat down for breakfast.
Kisses galore as we headed out the door to the airport that morning.
Starbucks and my iphone sitting at the airport.  Relaxing.
Preparing for take off.
I can't even say enough good things about the resort we stayed at.  Amazing is what sums it up.  
Boca Raton Resort & Club, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
The view from our room.  We totally slept with the windows open all night and woke up to the sun shining through and shimmering off the ocean.  Dream-like.
After the boys attended their meetings that morning, we all headed down the road a few miles to Delray Beach and walked around on the beach and had lunch before we went on our dinner cruise that night.
We could see our dinner cruise boat waiting from our room.
Keurig in our bathroom.  I don't even have one in my kitchen!  On my Christmas list.  :)
The view of the tower from the boat.
Just us again.
Because I'm positive I'll never be back to that resort, I took my obligatory resort pictures for me to remember it by.
One day we went on an Everglades Airboat Tour.  Probably the scariest adventure we've ever done.  Hands down.  I couldn't believe we even paid to put our lives at risk.
We were literally less than 5 feet away from this guy.  And the boat did not sit up on the water.  You could easily touch the water with your hand without even barely reaching out.
 After the boat ride, we went to a little alligator show that the "Gator Boys" from the tv show put on.
Later that night (our last night), we attended the formal dinner.  
Waiting for us at McDonald's was Grammy and BOSTON!!  He was so happy to see us when we walked in!  :)
But he definitely didn't change a bit, still fascinated with all the buttons and gadgets in our cars.
Quick trip.  Wham bam thank you ma'am.  But it was fun while it lasted. 



  1. Looks like lots of fun! I would have been terrified to be that close to an alligator!

  2. YES! YOU WENT TO DELRAY BEACH! :) I hoped you would when you mentioned coming down here -- it's my favorite place ever! (Hahaha, look @ my most recent post. We just got back from a kidless stay-cation there!)

    Hope you enjoyed South Florida! What hotel in Boca was that? Was it the Bridge hotel? Love, love, love my hometown. Yay Boca!

  3. What an AMAZING trip!! And you two make one gorgeous couple :)


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