
Frosty's, Pinwheel and McGriddles Kinda Weekend

Weekends are like vanilla to my diet dr. peppers and butter to my bagels.  They are the bomb.  They are delicious and give me such enjoyment.  Especially when I get to spend them with my two main squeezes.  

Our weekend was filled with frosty's.  Chocolate for Boston and Jer.  Vanilla for me.
Mowing and Home Depot runs for the boys.  Sewing for momma.

When they came back from Home Depot Jer brought in this green pinwheel.  He said, "Boston really wanted it.  It was a little expensive but I caved."  So they immediately planted it in the grass.  Luckily that day we had a pretty good wind back there.  
It was spinning pretty fast.  Boston got a kick out of that.
Blurry spinning pinwheel.  Jer was telling him the difference between a pinwheel and a windmill.  Never hurts to get a little educated here and there.
All of that fun called for some lunch.  This is how we said our lunch time prayers.  #safetyfirst
That evening we had a family game night.  

Consisted of the memory game and Old Maid.
Jer and I played Old Maid against each other.  Boston would choose the cards for me.
Darn!  Jer ended up winning.  

Good job, Jer.  I'll get you next time!  :)
Our latest fun is McDonald's playground in the morning.  That was our third time to go for breakfast/mine and Jer time to spend time and talk/playtime for Boston.  We love going in the mornings because it's not busy so he gets the playground to himself except for 2-3 other kids.  And it doesn't hurt that our McD's is nice, new and clean.  
Thanks to dadda, Boston has discovered the yummi-ness of McGriddles.  He loves pancakes and sausage so it's a win win.  He ate the w-h-o-l-e thing. 

Our rule is to eat first then play.  
This bouncy thing is so fun.  That and the foosball table are his favorites.
And of course our weekend can't be complete without a run to Home Depot.  Boston's all time favorite place to go.  Makes momma and dadda proud.  Very proud.
After too much board shopping he decided he needed some Einsteins.
Later that day we had some patio fun since we've been having pretty perfect weather.  
The big guy drove Boston's monster truck while the little guy rode his scooter around and around.
Then it was the-chocolate-faced Bostons turn.  
Followed by dadda again.  Dadda was having the time of his life driving that truck around.  Ha.
Until Boston would do this.
Poor Jet.  He just deals.  Not sure what Boston is doing here.  Stretching perhaps?
We've gotten our money's worth out of this swing.
Until next weekend.


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