
An Average Day In Our Life

How neat would it be to look back in 5 or even 10 years and see what a "typical" day was like.  To see what we looked like.  To see what our house looked like at the time.  Really neat.  To me at least.  

So late last year I documented (probably a little too much, but it won't be too much when I look back in several years.  I'm sure I'll love looking at every picture and feeling as though I was back in that year and stage of life) what a day looked like.  No one day is the same but this one sums up an average stay-at-home-no-playdates/moms group-to-attend day.  
from December 14, 2012
8am -  Boston gets up and daddy goes and gets him out of his crib, changes his diaper and feeds him breakfast.

8:20am - I get up to take over so daddy can get ready for work.  And I have my morning coffee that Jer had made.
8:50am - daddy heads out to work and we say our goodbye's.  This day, daddy went into the office.  2 days out of the week (sometimes 3 days) he works from home.
9 - 9:30am - Boston and I have our play time on the floor.
9:30-10am we play outside.  We love morning outside play time.  Since our house faces the East, the sun is not hitting our backyard yet so it's perfect playing time.
10-10:30am - we get ready to make a run to the store to pick up some Christmas white elephant gifts.

10:15-11pm - I shop while Boston plays some learning apps (as he calls them) on the iphone.
11:15-12pm - we hit up our neighborhood park for some more play time.
12:10pm we have lunch.
12:30pm B goes down for a nap.
12:30-3pm - B naps and I get some stuff done around the house (this day was laundry) and for the blog.  
3pm - B is up running around while I make a dinner for my best friend, Meghan and her family, who just had a baby.
He feeds Jet and makes sure he has water.....and ice.  :)
4:30pm - we load up and head over to take the meal over to Meghan's house.  This consisted of spaghetti and garlic bread.
6pm - we have dinner.  It was spaghetti for dinner since I made a double batch.
Boston started dinner earlier than us and finished before us.  So he got to get down and play with his trains.
6:50-7:20pm - we have family play time.

7:20pm - we head up for our bedtime routine.  Bath, play and reading time.
fun little thing they do: they like to look at each other from each side.  Boston gets on his hands and knees on one side and daddy gets on the other side.  Boston think it's the funniest thing.
8pm - we say our prayers and lights out.  (at that time, Boston would fall asleep with his "ba-ba."  He never use a pacifier or sucked his thumb but he used his ba-ba to soothe him to sleep.  As of about a month ago the ba-ba's "went to another baby."
blowing kisses    
8 - 11pm - Jer and I work/blog/read up on blogs in the bed. (and looking at this picture I noticed that those pictures have been moved and are tilted.  ha)
Around 11:30 after a little tv watching lights are out for us, too!

During our shopping time, most days we are home either learning with flash cards/doing puzzles or taking a walk in the stroller.  However, I did quiz him on his flash cards while driving to the store so we got in some learning but not our usual.  We also ate a little earlier than usual since daddy came home earlier than usual that day.  

But all in all, that's what our days look like around here.  While Boston is 2.  :)



  1. ahh I love this idea of documenting a normal day. Its so easy to forget the things that make up our lives after a while. So special

    Kendra @ openspaces

  2. Your day to day life is still more successful than mine!!

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