
They Call Me Mama - Emily

Seriously....this is the most adorable family picture I've seen in a long time.  I love it so much.  And those babies and all their smiles.....to die for!!

I love this little family.  They are so down to earth and real.  Emily writes all about their lives.  The good and the bad.  Open and honest.  I love that about her.  She's so relatable.  Emily has such strength that I truly adore....by reading her introduction about her family you'll know why:

"I am a 20-something small-town girl who met a city boy and fell in love! We have been happily married for over 5 years. I love Jesus, Diet Coke, pictures, organizing, and my Chiropractor. ;) God blessed us with a twin pregnancy and the Lord has baby Ryder on His lap. We are so blessed to have Wyatt here on earth with us. Almost a year ago our family expanded to a family of 4...Baby Sloane came March 13th, 2012! We love the Lord and know His "blessings are new every morning.""

To read more about them, they can be found here:

I'm confident you'll end up loving them as much as I do!  :)


1 comment:

Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)