
A Day And A Half Of Being Kid Free, What We Did

What did we do while Boston spent all day Saturday, Saturday night and most of Sunday with his grandparents??  Well......

our first stop was Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  
Played some checkers while waiting for our table.  And felt like kids doing it.
Went home and worked A LOT on my new shop's website, completed it, and ordered lots of things for it.  We did that for a good 5 hours on the dining room table.  

By that evening, we had built up an appetite so we headed out to our favorite sushi place and had an awesome dinner just the two of us.  To us, it's highly beneficial to Boston for his parents to get their "connection and adult" time.  And we did!  
On our way home, Jer dropped me off in front and I got to run in and pick up a few things that we needed for the week from the grocery store.  
The next morning we attended our 3rd and final week of our "Parenting The Biblical Way" class at church.  #postcomingsoon
This class day she talked way too much about social media and teens that I started to tune her out and instead took a picture.  :)
We used to love getting Bagels before work lots of mornings (since we previously worked together and drove to work together each morning) and hadn't been back since Boston was born.  So this was a perfect time to get our grub on.  
I LOVE love love their 6 cheese bagels toasted topped with the jalapeno spread.  Oh my, delish.  
We ran a few other errands that we were able to run in and out of quickly (stuff that would be boring for Boston but needed to get done) and then headed to pick up our baby that we were missing.  Badly.

He absolutely loves the ranch (where his grandparents live) and had an amazing time, as usual.  When we picked him up he wanted to go drive the "may-ul" aka mule.  So we hopped on and rode out into the pasture where the horses were and down by the stock tank.
 Horses are such cool animals.
His big think lately are keys.  He likes to figure out how to put them in their place.  Whether it be a padlock or a vehicle ignition.
We stopped at the barn to give the horses some grain.  These are some well fed horses, I tell ya.  :)
It was a whirlwind of a day and a half but Jer and I got lots done and crammed in lots of yummy food.  It's always nice to solely concentrate on each other.  By the end of the weekend, we were ready for our little boy to be with us.  We are more at ease when he's with us.  :)

I've posted two short videos on our vimeo.com account of our time at the ranch HERE.  

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more about the occasional mommy daddy bonding time :) looks like y'all had a sweet few days together! Congrats again on the new shop!


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