
Just The Two of Us

Just the two of us....we can appropriately cue the Will Smith song "Just The Two of Us."  Remember that song?  Funny that I do since I wasn't really into it.  But it was one of those catchy songs that I couldn't ever get out of my head.

Anyway, onto the reason for this post.

It's not often that my lover and I get a night alone.....just the two of us.  Eating dinner at a restaurant without worrying about a meltdown.  Driving to whatever suites our fancy.  Getting in and out of the car in a flash.  Talking without any interruptions. Stopping to just hang out at a coffee shop.  Acting like high schoolers and having a sense of freedom to be able to go and do anything we please.  As parents now, it's these simple things that have now become blissful when we get to experience them.  :)

Last weekend, after the pumpkin patch, we headed over to Jer's mom's house (Nana) to drop off the bambino for a few hours.  She was excited to spend some time with him and he was excited to play with his two little cousins that were there, too.  And Jer and I were happy to get a night out on the town.  It was a win for all.

It was a quite simple night, but one that was pretty darn fantastic if you ask me.  We had no plans - it was a fly by the seat of our pants kinda night.  Which are often the best.  Because who knows what we'll end deciding to do.  That's the most fun.  Spontaneity.  But the most exciting part, was that end the end, we knew that we would be going back to Nana's house to pick up our prize possession that was well taken care of and who had had a blast playing all night.  We couldn't ask for anything better.

Date night bound.  With no clue to where we are heading.  :)
Kohl's sounds good.  We walked hand in hand while browsing/shopping in the toddler boy section.  Ultimately buying him too much.  
We built up an appetite and Jer wanted steak.  So Logan's it was.  And Logan's delivered.....very well. 
The night was still young and we wanted something sweet.  We chose Starbucks.  There were only 3-4 people and us in the whole place.  We had our iPhones with us and I took my iPad.  Jer did some news/politics reading while I peacefully did some blog stalking while sipping on my pumpkin spice latte and shared a blueberry scone with my lover.  

At one point (for about 15 minutes straight), we were both engaged in our phone/iPad and didn't even say one word to each other.  It was like we were sucking it all in.  All of the calmness that comes with it just being the two of us.  Every once in a while, one of us would look up at the other and we'd make eye contact and mouth, "I love you" or give a wink to one another.  That's all we needed.  And we were back in our zone reading.

It was one of those nights that just felt awesome.  Awesome to be with my life partner and my best friend.  Just knowing he was right in front of me anytime I looked up.
Until our next date....I'll enjoy every day that I have with my little man and soaking up this season of my life as a wife and a toddler-boy-mom.


  1. Cute pictures - looks like you guys had a great time!!

  2. OH how fun! I LOOOOOOOVE coffee dates. It totally reminds me of when Steven and I were in the 'dating' stage of our life. :)

  3. rangers fans?! me too!! looks like yall had so much fun!

    Helene in Between


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