
Pumpkin Painting Toddlers

One of my BFF's (Meghan, who just started her blog) lives down the road about 10 miles and we haven't had a whole day together in a long time.  We see each other at church twice a week for a few hours when we attend our mom's groups but we haven't had a day alone with just us and the babies in well over 6 months....until Wednesday!  

It was a pretty perfect day.  The babies painted, the babies got a bath (Boston's first time having a co-ed bath, gasp!), we all ate lunch, the babies played, the babies took at 3 hour nap and then Meg and I started our baking!  We didn't just bake any ol' something, we baked some pumpkin something!  We each had our own recipes so we could share them.  

I made the cream cheese filled pumpkin muffins that I talked about in this post and she made pumpkin muffins with cream cheese icing.  Holy-mother-of-goodenss....they were delish!  We even ate some around 4 in the afternoon with a fresh pot of coffee.  Everyone does that, right?

How cute are these babies?  They had an absolute blast painting.  They looked like little artist knowing exactly what they were doing.  Londyn was more into it than Boston was.  Boston would paint and then walk around and then come back and paint.  Guess painting a pumpkin is more of a "girl" thing to do.  Ha.  I was probably taking away his "man card" as Jer would say.  Although, I have to say that he did always tend to go with the blues, green and yellow.  While Londyn chose pink!  :)
They were so kind to each other sharing the paints.  

Then Boston (the clean guy) started noticing all of the paint on his leg and hands.  Not sure he was down for all the mess.  Maybe that's why he would get up and walk off.

Meg brought two bigger pumpkins and taped off a B and an L for them to paint over. 

They turned out toddler-ific!  :)  Cheese-ball I am.

The mostly makeup-less me and the beautiful BFF in the midst of our baking.
Be sure to send her some love and go visit her brand new blog!  :)


  1. Such a cute idea! I need to try this with my little one.

    New follower! :-)

    Stef @ Miss Jo and Co.

  2. This looked like so much mess and so much FUN!!!! I love the pool idea after the painting ... brilliant!
    I am planning something like this with my little girl and will definitely do the pool dip afterwards.
    I love the pictures you posted and I am following you now.
    I would love for you to follow back.

  3. How have I not done pumpkin painting with my boys yet?? Looks like they are having so much fun!

  4. omg love you! SOOO cute! I need a copy of all these ASAP! whoop!! best day ever!


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