
Picking And Carving

Thank you to Central Market for having huge non budget breaking pumpkins to carve for us Cooks.  Last year we got baby pumpkins but this year we decided to go for some big mama-jama's.  
The obligatory pumpkin-picking-out picture that momma just has to have.  
last year 
wow, look how much B has changed.  he's like a whole different baby.
Back to serious picking-out-pumpkin-business.  Fortunately, it wasn't too hard picking out our pumpkins this year.  They were all pretty big and relatively in good shape besides some minor scratches and dirt on them.
Dada went diggin to find the perfect pumpkins while we watched/navigated/took too many pictures.
He insisted on helping load up the pumpkins.  He's big into helping lately.  Especially when it comes to pushing the cart around the grocery store.  Oy.
Like everything else with us me this too will become a tradition.  We'll call it "central market pumpkin picking."  :)  I'm surprised Boston's first word wasn't "tradition." 

Fast forward to that evening.  I Jer and Boston started working on theirs while I took mine outside and sprayed it with chalkboard paint.  I chose something super simple....even more simpler than last years painted pumpkins.
The best part of pumpkin "de-gutting" were the giggles from the little man.  He thought it was hilarious when dada would pull out all the guts/pumpkin seeds!!  Snort giggles galore.  
After Boston went to bed, Jer and I had to decide what we wanted to carve.  Since Boston's birthday was all about airplanes and he's still all about "aipanes" we thought it was fitting that we carve an airplane.  Jer chose a C for Cook for his pumpkin.  Once the designs were chosen, he went to town and did an excellent job.  He even drew the airplane free-hand.  He first drew it on the craft paper, cut it out and traced it onto the pumpkin.  The C, he actually printed out from the computer.  I was impressed!  I love the squiggly chalk letters on my pumpkin....gives it a more "spooky" feel.  :)
Totally different from last year, but that was our goal.  :)
Halloween night we'll get put some tea lights in Boston's and Jer's so the designs can shine through!  

Tomorrow's post: our day at the pumpkin patch.  


  1. I love your pumpkins! So cute! Happy Halloween.

  2. I like your blog theme. I want to use it on my blog.
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    Many thanks


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