
What I'm Loving Wednesday

Linking up here.
1)  I'M LOVING all of the family time we had last weekend.  I got to take so many pictures over the weekend of these two men in my life.  Simply blessed.
2)  I'M LOVING these new pants I got about 2 months ago from Forever 21.  Even though I'm a huge dress-kinda-gal, these caught my eye and I thought I'd take the plunge and get not one but TWO colored jeans.  They no longer sell the ones that I bought (at least not online) so these are pictures of some similar.  
I'm LOVING cobalt blue.  There's just something about that kinda blue that makes me smile.  It's like putting on a great pair of heels.  Just grand.
 And coral....well, this color is just awesome.  It's so springy/summery.  I'm excited to wear these very soon!
3)  I'M LOVING this little face with those big cheeks and those precious lips.  He overwhelms my heart with love.
4)  I'M LOVING this spring set up. So feminine, yet very simple.
5)  I'M LOVING this huge fruit salad I made for the B-ster and me.  It has all of our favorites....kiwi, strawberries, oranges, grapes, apples and blueberries.  :)  If B-man could live off of fruit only, he would.  He's a bit fruity. 
6)  I'M LOVING this tie for B.  He's got a good collection of tie's going on in his closet and but none like this one.  And since he's into bicycles (really anything with wheels and tires) I'm sure he'd love this one!
7)  I'M LOVING these dresses from ShopRuche.com.  LOVE this website for adorable and affordable dresses!!

Happy Hump Day!


  1. i am loving what you are loving... only from a distance. could that face get any cuter?!

  2. okay, need to get me some cobalt blue and coral skinny jeans immediately! SOO adorable!
    xo TJ

  3. i pretty much love all these things too! especially the colored jeans!

  4. Aw, Jasmine, you are too kind!!! :))

    Yes, you do, TJ! Hehe. :))

    Ms. Composure - glad to you stopped by! You are so sweet for leaving a message. I'll be sure to check out your blog, too!! :))

    Kylee! Thanks, girly!


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