
Weekend Recap and Misc Monday

We had planned on doing absolutely nothing this weekend other than staying home, cleaning organizing our back patio and having some quality family time.

These are my favorite type of weekends.... but that all changed.  We decided to go visit Jer's dad and stepmom at their ranch again like we did here.  Boston LOVES to be out there with the horses and cows.

We got there and visited the horses (left my camera in the house), then we rode the Harley for a little bit:
 So serious.
 Then Grammy brought out a little car.... it was his first little car ride.
 He loved it.
Then Jer had the brilliant idea of his dad taking me for a ride on his motorcycle.  So I got all geared up with Jer's coat and a helmet.  Safety first.  :)
Oh and I forgot to mention I had some awesome comfy colored green jogging/capri pants on.  Then Gina gave me some of her shoes and socks.  Nice, Jen, nice!  Fashion at its best.
 It was Jer's turn.  And I was N-E-R-V-O-U-S for him!  He hadn't been on a bike in forevah!
 But what a hottie!
 Thanks, Grandaddy!!
 Sunday we attended a birthday party where Boston got to do a little bit of this....
 ...some more of this too....
.....a little bit of walking around the place....
....a little bit of people watching....
and a little bit of this....
....until daddy took over.  :)

It was a lovely family weekend and a much needed one too!!

Linking up here.

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