
Miscellany Monday

Linking up here.

Last week, my mom and my little cousin came over to stay with us from Wednesday through Friday since my mom was off work for spring break.  While she was here we did some scrap booking (more on that later this week), Goodwill shopping and had some park play time.  
Here we are at good ol' Goodwill!  
Here's B kid watching.  He is so intrigued with other little kids right now.  He tends to right up to them and look up and stare at them.  Ha.  It's really funny because he gets really close to them.  It's often awkward in restaurants when he stares.  Jer tells him, "It's not very polite" to a 17 month old.  Ha.
Oh and then I got on the swings.  Oy!  It took my stomach every time I swung too high.  But I love that feeling.  :)  
High tailing it towards the kids.  He was cruisin'!  
He got there and just watched them in aw.
On Thursday, my mom watched B for me while I went with my EX sister-in-law out shopping for her wedding.  Ha.  Yes, people have told me I'm weird, but we are really great friends despite her not being married to my brother anymore.  She has found her a great guy and is getting married.  She asked if I could help her with some wedding decor and I, of course, agreed!  :)  
We spent a good 4 hours together. and it was so nice to catch up without any kiddos.  
On Friday, we headed over to my grand mother's house where Boston played outside for almost 3 hours straight!  He loved it.  I got to sit and chat with my oh so sweet cousins.  
Boston is really into glasses right now (I just ordered him some uber cute sunglasses) so my mom put hers on him, but only for a little bit.  :)
Then there was the obligatory stop to check to make sure his belly button was still there.
I had no idea it was going to be so hot/humid that day.  I had dressed him in jeans and a long sleeve shirt which eventually all needed to be rolled up to get some air circulating.  Poor fella was sweating.
Sunday, my mom wanted me to take some pictures of her and my dad (and some with Boston too) so we headed out to the Stockyards in Fort Worth.  I LOVE that place for pictures.  There are so many great spots.  I've done many photo shoots in that area.  This is a picture I got of them with Boston.  Whom they are head over hills about!!

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