
Miscellany Monday

Linking up here.

1)   Have you heard of BabySteals?
Well, they have a blog and a Facebook page.  I first heard about it through a friend that suggest I "like" them on their Facebook page.  They basically sell 2 baby and maternity products everyday up to 80% off until they are gone.  I get most of Boston's neck ties through them and I even got more of his cloth diapers through them for C-H-E-A-P!  The moment you see something you like, you gotta steal buy it fast before they sell out.  It's sort of a thrill and worth it.  So if you are expecting, or already have a baby, I would definitely go and like their Facebook page for some great deals daily! 

2)  Monday, Monday.....why do you have to come back so quickly?!  Regardless of your arrival, we have a great fun-filled week coming up!  Plus, we had a great relaxing/project filled weekend in preparation of this coming week.  For the first time we attended church on Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning.  And Saturday night church is probably going to become a habit.  It wasn't as packed and we got a family dinner date afterwards.

We hit up Taco Diner which has awesome Mexican food.  Delish!  Boston was in such a happy mood even with it being very close to his bed time.  He kept "cheesy" smiling at everyone...constantly (especially our neighbors sitting in the booths next to us)!  Which often makes us uncomfortable because we don't want him to be interrupting their dinner time.
Anyway, after dinner we headed over to Barnes and Noble which is across the street and got some dessert.  My sweet tooth is going to be the death of me.  It's bad!  I had a personal key lime pie.  Gracious, it was amazing.  No picture of it, because it will likely have me craving it again, but I did take one of this guy drinking his "dessert"....milk.
3)  Since I never posted about Boston's 15 month doctor appointment (yes, he's now 17 months, but what the hay) I thought I might as well do it now.  :)  Well at least post a few pictures to remember by.
4)  I recently got involved with a Spring Sweet Swap and got paired up with Beth.  Check her out, she's a pretty cool gal!  I'm excited to be mailing my "sweet treat" to her today.  I can't post the picture of what it is just yet, but I'll be able to soon.  :)

5)  Last Thursday, Boston got to play with Cash and Londyn.  And I got to play with their oh-so-sweet-mommy's, Meredith and Meghan.  It's nice to talk baby stuff with other mommy's.  I learn a lot from them.  :)


  1. Your little one is too cute!! Loving your blog. Glad I found you!

  2. Hi Danielle!!! So glad you found me too! You are so so sweet. Thank you! :-)


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