

Linking up with Jamie.

1.  I'M LOVING THAT I'VE LOST 9.4 LBS SINCE I STARTED MY DIET 3 WEEKS AGO (YEP, I'M YELLING THIS.  HA)!!!  My jeans are finally starting to fit a little more comfy.  Best.part.of.loosing.weight!  :-)

2.  I'M LOVING these mini saltine crackers.  Boston loves them as a snack.
3.  I'M LOVING play dates.  Instead of going to my weekly mom's life group, we met up at a local park.  Little Ms. Londyn swinging with Boston.  :)
4.  I'M LOVING that I made Boston's Valentine's shirt last night.  It was my first time sewing on a shirt.  It actually wasn't too difficult!   

5.  I'M LOVING that Season 7 of the Housewives Orange County premiered last night!!!  And next week is gonna be G-O-O-D!

6.  I'M LOVING these from Pinterest.  
love this paint color.  gives me a fresh feeling.
too cute
7.  I'M LOVING that I finally got a new vacuum.  I hadn't vacuumed in almost 2 months.  Don't judge.  :)
8.  I'M LOVING that I made these.  They were easy peasy.  I got the idea from this pin on Pinterest.  I plan on stringing them on a string for our Valentine's dinner.  

9.  I'M LOVING that we got a Sam's Club membership for the first time.  That store can be a little overwhelming.  Ha

10.  I'M LOVING my main squeezes more than imaginable.  I love these colorful cows at Chick-fil-a in Southlake.  :)

Yay for Hump Day!


  1. i am super jealous of your new vacuum! i love to vacuum and would looooove a brand spankin' new dyson!

  2. Loooove the name Boston, so sweet! And what a cute lil blog you have momma!

  3. Way to go on the diet!!! You are amazing!
    I'm also loving those chairs. Maybe you'll find something like this on your next neighborhood scouting mission. The others you found and refinished look GREAT!
    Oh, and we have a dyson and absolutely love it.
    Oh and the park pictures super cute too! You guys all need to come visit me and Cash! :)

  4. Just found your blog and I'm excited to add you to my Google Reader! I have a little one too- Baby Lulu, 6 months. Visit sometime!
    Hannah at

  5. Elizabeth - I have to say this Dyson is amazing! I love it so much. Hopefully you can get you one soon, too! :)

    Emily Kate - you are so kind! Can't wait to head over to check out your blog!

    Mer! Thanks so much! It feels good to feel "lighter." hehe.

    Hannah - I'm glad you found our blog, too!!! I'm gonna head over to your blog as well! :-)


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