
What I'm Loving Wednesday!

So, I'm starting a new thing, again!  Two in one week, woah!  It's called What I'm loving Wednesday.....get it?!  I'll post everything I'm loving as of, now!  Ha.  I knew y'all were geniuses.  :)

I'm linking up with Jamie.

1.  I'M LOVING my two boys, deeply.

2.  I'M LOVING these Valentine's Day Pinterest find.  Cute and seems pretty simple.

3.  I'M LOVING that this weekend we are going to finish yet another project.  It's actually one that we started last weekend but couldn't finish due to the lack of one piece of material.

4.  I'M LOVING that I have a park picnic play date scheduled with a sweet sorority sister, Meredith, tomorrow (more on that later)!  :)
Mer and B

5.  I'M LOVING that my MIL is bringing one of my nieces for a play date with us today.

6.  I'M LOVING that I've started a new diet with one of my BFF's.  She's totally keeping me in line!  Thanks and love you, Tiff.
Tiff with B.

7.  I'M LOVING that we I'm married to my best friend an honest, God-loving, handsome, funny, kind hearted, smart, caring, hard-working, fella.

8.  I'M LOVING the new 5.0 iOS upgrade that I got on my iPhone.  After a little scare, of course (I didn't know that it wipes your phone clean of everything on it first.  I totally thought I lost all of my apps, contacts and pictures!  Yup - I freaked just a little and called Jer in a total panic.  Eeek!).

9.  I'M LOVING that I'm starting this new What I'm Loving Wednesday theme!  :-)

Happy Hump Day!


  1. yay!! I love your posts!! and I am so happy you joined the WILW link up party! It's so much fun!!

  2. Hi! Stopping by from WILW!! I am a Texas gal as well. I am in New Braunfels. Aren't playdates the best? I am a stay at home Mama to 3 boys and it is so fun(and necessary)to meet up with friends! =) Good luck on the diet! So great to have a friend to be accountable to. Btw, Your little man is ADORABLE!!

  3. Hopping on over from Jamie's WILW Link up today. Your little man is a cutie! Mine is 5 now so cherish everything you can at this age as they grow up fast! My little man is already talking about girlfriends and marrying his girlfriend Brooklyn...New follower and I love the Journey song on here!!


  4. ha! I blogged about paint chips too!

  5. As a mom, play dates are fun and they make your day exciting. Good luck on the diet. It always helps when you have someone to support you and cheer you up.

  6. What a cute blog you have ! Such great pictures on the side here! And beautiful family!

    The Magnolia Pair


  7. We had so much fun today! We have to get together at least once a month. Sometimes we go way to long!! :) love the blogs!!

  8. Stopping by from Casey's blog! What a cute family you have. Love your son's name! I have a Langston and an Easton, so we are a fan of the -ston names. :)

    I'm a DFW girl, too. We are in Richardson. Glad I found your blog. :)

  9. Your blog is adorable! great things your lovin!

  10. WOW, I'm am humbled by all of your comments!!! Love them to pieces. Thank you all. You all are so kind and can't wait to start following each of your blogs! :-)

    Faith - me too!!! :) Loving it a lot.

    Melanie - Yay for Texas girls! Thank you and thank you! :)

    Ginny - Haha. You are so right, they grow up fast. Boo.

    Emily - paint chips are awesome and free! :) Love your idea's about using paint chips.

    Vivian - you are so right! Play dates are a must have around here. And thank you! I'm doing my best on this diet. :)

    Britt - Thanks sooo much! :)

    Mer - US TOO!!!! We can't wait till our next play date with y'all. Oh and, hopefully I'll be seeing you sooner at my party. :)

    Jamie - Yay! Glad you found me too. What is your blog? Thanks for the compliment, we have gotten many compliments on Boston's name. :)

    Just the Two of US - you are sweet! hope you come back! :-)


Thank you for your comment! I read each and every one of them! :)