
Some Christmas-y Fun

We had a wonderful holiday.  So wonderful that I decided to take some time off from blogging to focus on my prize possessions.  I can't believe it's been over 2 weeks but it's been good.  Spending time with my love and my baby is always high on my list.  :)

We live in Roanoke, a small town north of Fort Worth and about 2 miles from the Texas Motor Speedway.  Every year they hold an event called The Gift of Lights.  They put up tons of lights through the concession stands "hallway" (not sure what it's called exactly but it's behind the bleachers where the concession stands are) and have you drive through to see them all.  As many years as we've lived here we've never been through it.  We thought B would love to see them so we loaded up and headed over.  There's always a long line to get in but we got in within 20 minutes of waiting.  However, we did not know it was $20 per car.  eeekkk.  But there was no turning back.
Right be we entered Boston got to stand up in the car.
I think secretly Boston had more fun "driving" our car through the tunnel of lights.
This was so cool.  It was part of the ending.
It was a fun experience.  One that we will only do every couple of years.  The lights were cool but I kinda expected it to be different (especially for the price) but B enjoyed it and that's all that matters.  :-)

More Christmas "stuff" to come this week.  Gotta catch up since I had a 2 week delay.  ;)


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