
Miscellany Monday

This is my first time doing Miscellany Monday!  I'm excited.  It's where I write about random things/thoughts/events/anythings.  Could be fun/interesting/boring/who knows.  So, hold on it could be a bumpy ride.
Linking up with Carissa.
Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters
1.  I love that daddy decided to show Boston how to take out the trash (even Jet wanted to help).  B's walking now, he can take out the trash, right?  :)

2.  I'm excited to show you what we've (yes, I said we, my sweet hubby helped out) did to this chair (and it's sister or brother)!

3.  I L.O.V.E. sushi.  We had a sushi date (including B) on Friday evening.  B ate up some edamame. 

4.  We love going to spend the day with my cousins and my grandmother. 

5.  Caught Bos and Jer watching this video.  Young House Love had mentioned it a few weeks ago so I thought I'd try it out with Boston.  And to my surprise, he LOVES all the videos.  Since we don't have an iPad.  We now let him watch them on our Nook Color.

6.  I'm just barely starting to get addicted to Pinterest.  I've had my account for a little while but never really had the time/want to browse through it.  I felt a little overwhelmed.  However, lately, I've been making more time.  ;)   

7.  I'm beyond grateful to be able to spend every waking hour with this little guy.  Boston James....you are one rad dude.  :-)

8.  This was Boston's first time playing with his Legos that we got him for Christmas.  He and daddy made an airplane.  :-)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. i love it when little guys where their hats backwards... so CUTE!


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