
Christmas Mantle and Balls

We went very simple this year.  Typically, I throw lighted garland, balls and pine cones up on the mantle.  Uh huh, they get slung up there....where they land is where they stay.  Not this year.  Simplicity (less work) was my goal. :)

This year we went with balls, balls and more balls.  I like balls.  :)  Especially the colored and glittery ones.  Okay, that sounded weird.  :)  If you noticed, we put a lot of balls on our entry table.  And you'll see at the end of this week our dining room table that has tons of balls, too.  Me likey balls.  Oh wait, I already said that.

Anyway, here's what we did.  I got two (already owned) glass vases and filled those babies with....you guessed it, balls!  Then, keeping with my twine theme I wrapped those vases with twine and tied a bow.  That was it.  Took me less than 3 minutes.  That's my kinda decorating.  And they even look cute.

See the stocking hooks/picture holders?  Yeah, those still have a picture of the little girl that was already in them.  Haven't had time to change out the picture.  Oops.  She might just stay in the frame to celebrate Christmas with us.
Boston's H-U-G-E stocking that I got last year for 10 buckaroos from Pottery Barn after Christmas.  Ask me if I got two for a future baby.....why yes I did!
These aren't my favorite stockings but they work.  :)
Here's our balls close up.
Don't you just love those colors together?  I certainly do.
I really like having one small vase and one large vase.  Asymmetry can be a good thing.

Happy Mantle Decorating!


  1. I left a comment on the previous post about the colors... love the vases.. i did something similar:


  2. Lovely mantle!! Looks elegant, whereas mine looked CRAMMED! Rethinking that idea for next year!

  3. I visited your blog and became a follower, Sauls! :)

    You are too kind, Dawnee! Typically I put a whole lot more but this year I toned it down a little. And I really liked it! :)



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