
Our First 5K Run!

That's right, we did a 5K-run-for-Diabetes on Saturday morning!!!  It was pretty awesome and it felt great to run for a cause.

About a month ago, I signed Jer and myself up to run a 5K to help raise money for research for diabetes.  Unfortunately, the majority of my family has this ugly disease.  Odds are against me, but I am determined to stay FREE of this disease.

Jer was willing to do this for me and for the benefit of exercising.  He rarely exercises but this forced him to get moving.  :)

From the beginning, we had decided that we would do it as a family (me, Jer AND Boston).  So, that's how it went down.  Jer was such a trooper, pushing Bos and his almost 25 pound jogging stroller the whole 3.1 miles!  I was thankful that Jer pushed Bos because it's uber hard to run and push a stroller without being able to swing your arms.  In the beginning, I stayed with them, but since Jer got a little winded and had to walk I asked him if it was okay to run ahead and he was cool with it.  So, I went ahead and continued running.  I surprised myself and only had to stop to walk twice for about 1 minute each time.  I had an inner competitiveness that came out.  :)

Our plan is to do many more community runs in the near future, and for Bos to become accustomed to races and hopefully join us in them (I was surprised to see so many little kids running with their parents).  We want to be able to promote exercise and good health for our little guy from an early age by teaching by example.  Plus, you know me, I'm the self-proclaimed mommarazzi and I'm all about the pictures, videos and memories, so this was perfect for our memory album for 2011.  :-)

The experience: total success!  We are searching for our next race/cause to run for!  

Here's a short video of some of the pictures and video that we took before, during and after the race.

*make sure you mute the blog music at the bottom before playing the video.

Hope we were able to motivate you to run a race, too, especially if there is a cause meaningful to you!  :-)


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