
Boston Walking? Yes'm!!!

Wow and more wow - we have a little walking B-man!!!!  Proud we are!

So, Halloween day, I noticed that he kept standing up and taking more and more steps away from the couch, ottoman, and whatever it was he pulled himself up on.  He seemed to be getting more brave throughout the day.

The next day, he was doing the same thing except he kept going and going.  He would walk far!  He loved it so much it would make him giggle then fall down but he kept getting up.  We could tell that he really had the urge to walk.

Later that evening we decided that we would video him before he went to bed for our memories of when he first started to walk.  It makes us laugh because it's so cute to see his little arms held up as he walks.

These are the 3 videos we shot of him that night, November 1st.

Yesterday, November 2nd, he turned 13 months old!  What a great 13 month birthday gift to us and to himself.  We'll always remember the day he started walking (although he's still a little clumsy and wobbly)!  :-)

We couldn't be more thrilled and excited for our little fella.  He truly is something special!

~The Cooks

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