
slim pumpkin pickens

Nothing like a last minute pumpkin picken!  Time completely got away from me this year.  We planned on getting a pumpkin when we visited the pumpkin patch but didn't.  I kept telling myself to get one each time I went to the grocery store but obviously never did.  Boo for mommy.

But we got one....a tiny one....or three.  Yep we got THREE this year.  One for me, daddy and the B-man.  To get them we first went searching.  Talk about panicking!  We went to Wal-Mart, Albertson's and Tom Thumb with no luck.  But our beloved Central Market came through for us (cue a Hooray Chant)!  However, they had some slim pickens.  Their big pumpkins that had moles (bump looking thingys) growing out of them so we went over to the baby pumpkins and chose three of them.  They were so cute and bump-free.

Our little "sock monkey" baby loved the baby pumpkins and wanted to.....you guessed it.....throw them!  He prefers everything on the ground nowadays.  :)

I plan on sharing our carved/painted pumpkins later! :)

~The Cook's


  1. Cute!! I love the hat! I am a new follower from followers fest...still trying to catch up!!

  2. Thanks, Sarah!! I'm about to head over to your blog! :-)


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