
Cut'em Down

When we bought our house 5 years ago we had large beautiful Hackberry trees along our fence line. They provided awesome shade in the evenings since our backyard faces due west where the sunsets. They were actually half on our property and half on Ross Perot's land.  Yeah, we back up to his land which we thoroughly enjoy since we don't have any backyard neighbors...just a wide open field.  The trees and the field are 2 of the main reasons we chose our lot to build on.  The field mice don't bother us. :)

Over the years the Texas storms ended up beating up those trees.  Because there is an open field there was no structure to keep the wind off of them and they eventually started to fall on our fence.  Not to mention, they started to rot and die.  No bueno.

So we knew we had to do something....eventually. 

The cluster of trees right in the middle of our fence line was so big that it actually looked like there were about 4 huge trees that formed together at the trunk.
About 2 years ago, said tree is the one that damaged our fence pretty bad.  Jer called Hillwood (Ross Perot's) company and they split the cost with us to have it cut down.  Since then our fence was barely standing and looked pitiful.  We decided that when we get a new fence we will have all three trees (the one big cluster in the middle and the 1 on the left and 1 on the right side of our yard) cut down so that we would never have to worry about a tree falling on our new fence. 
We had finally come to that point.  The point where we needed to get a new fence and cut-those-trees-down-to-the-ground-forever!  Why now?  Well, for our little man's big day.  We couldn't have trees falling and an ugly fence to go with the party.  Just wasn't up to par. 
So, two weeks ago we had this going on...
There's no way I could be a tree-cutter-downer.  I watched them in amazement.  Yep - I'm weird.  I could have stood outside to watch them all day but they'd probably look at me like I'm crazy.  Plus, I had an almost one year old to look after.  :) 
Jer's a lot of help. :)
This is what was left over after the stump was grinded down.
He decided that he'd clear some more brush away from our fence line.
Nice open field.  I have to say, it was pretty nice opening up our living room blinds and being able to see a wide open field. Peaceful. 
Boring post I know but I had to document it.  That's just what I do.  :)

Happy Hump Day,

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