
baby boston's 1 year old photo shoot - a few pictures

i'm back again today to share some of B's 1 year pictures!  More are to come, but here are a few out of ...ummm...a lot!  :)

this was such a fun photo shoot!  
such a happy little fella, remember this little chair...
we brought along his mirror and his beloved giraffe from his room
one of my favorites


  1. Found you through the blog hop! I love the name Boston, what a great choice!

  2. Aw, thank you, Chelsea! You are sweet. :) What is your blog address?

  3. Those sure are GREAT pictures. I love Boston's name. My baby has pictures with the mirror like that when she was about Boston's age. We really need to get some professional family pictures done. Now it's cold...brrrr
    Found your blog through the followers feast. Really Really LIKE IT! You are TOO cute! Following!

  4. Thank you, Vivian!! You are too kind! We have gotten many many compliments about Boston's name. :-) Me and my partner have a photography business and she took those pictures for us. :)

    What is your blog address so I can follow y'all?


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