
1 Year Check-Up

One week ago, we took B to his one year check-up!  He's still above average despite being 5 1/2 weeks early.  He's more than half my height.  Yes - Jer had to remind me of that.  Ha.  We are so proud of him we can't stand it!

We are so blessed to have a healthy child that was "preterm."  He was called preterm instead of premature because he was born a little after 34 weeks.  Any baby born before 34 weeks is considered premature!  Did you know that?!  Well now you do.  :-)
Daddy and B trying to read about the vaccines he was about to be getting.  :(
He loves to be on daddy's shoulders.  Typically he tries to hug daddy's head.  I have to say it's very cute!
So serious.
Later that evening, Jer and I went to the Dallas Stars opening game!  Date nights...there's nothing like date nights with the LOML.
We had an absolute blast.  We've never been to a hockey game, and let's just say it was quite an experience with all the brawls that happened between the players.  Ha.  Not to mention, we were only 8 rows up and in the center of the rink.  :-)
While we were at the Stars game, Grammy and Grandaddy (Jer's stepmom and dad) came to watch our little guy for us.  It was their first time to babysit.  Usually it's my mom that comes.  But this time we were delighted to have them spend some time with B-man.

We got to show Grammy and Grandaddy how B can walk with his little walker.  They loved getting to see that.
You can see his bandaids on his little/big thighs from his shots that morning.  Poor fella.  :(  But he's a trooper.  :)
BUT.....before we left to the game we decided to see if Boston could walk on his own without his little playskool walker.  And for the first time, he took 5-6 steps all on his own!!!!!  We were thrilled, over-joyed, ecstatic.....and everything else.....about what we just saw him do.  Plus, it was great to have witnesses.  Ha.  But, of course, I didn't have my camera on hand at that time.  

This is a small glimpse of him walking (when I did get my video camera).  He gets SO excited when he tries doing it all on his own.  He giggles and giggles.  Plus, we were in a little bit of a rush to get out of the house so I wasn't able to get much footage.  :)

Hopefully my next video of him walking will be of him walking all over our house unassisted.....keeping fingers crossed!  :-)

Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend,

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