
Invitations: Part 1

First things first, I've been very very neglectful.  Like majorly neglectful.  Like seriously MIA.  But soon that will change.  For the thousand-th time, I've been focusing on B's party among other things such as trees, fence, pillows and oh...some art work.  All of which will be coming very soon.  As in within the next week.  Something about having an almost one year old and finding time to upload pictures has been quite the challenge for me to do lately.  But have no fear, they WILL be here... and soon!

This invitations are out-tha-door and it's time to parrrtayyy!!!  Come One, Come All!
You guessed it - we mailed them in white jewelry boxes.  The same ones that we mailed our wedding invitations in.  They are from FetPak.com.  They come with a cotton liner that you lay your jewelry invitations on for extra padding/support.

I sealed them with red and white striped wrapping paper so that I didn't have to tape the 4 sides of the box shut.  It worked out perfectly with the theme.
You guessed right again...it's a Circus Theme!  You guys are so smart.  :-)

Here's a close up of our address labels that I made using MS Word and shipping labels that are big enough for both the return address and shipping address.  (you can see where i blurred out our address for the return portion)
On the labels I also included a circus tent and a circus elephant which will be a common occurrence at the parrtaayyy (yes, I love saying that word like a southern/wild party girl).

As for the postage, I went to the post office and got one box with the invitation weighed so that I knew how much postage I would need to order.  My plans were to have them custom ordered instead of using regular ol' stamps that the post office gives you.  Instead, I wanted to keep the theme going.  The USPS told me that they would cost $1.88 to mail.  So I went to Zazzle.com and ordered my stamps.

Zazzle didn't give me an option to put in my amount so I had to choose from their preset amounts.  So I put $1.48 and $.44 together using two stamps.  These are the ones I chose: (Notice on this stamp that I didn't edit correctly?  The "is turning" should have been scooted to the left a bit.  Bummer.)
We sent out a total of 38 invitations last week.  We were surprised that our invitees got the invitations less than 24 hours after dropping them in the mail.  Thanks, USPS.

Let the fun times and memories begin!


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