
San Fran...having a great time

I wanted use a quick minute to blog a little bit about our trip to San Francisco thus far.  Needless to say, we are having a great time and we are really enjoying our first vacation as a family of 3.  This vacation is extra special since we get to spend it with our baby.  It will be our first time spending our birthday's and anniversary with our baby and it won't be the last.  :)  I don't have time to upload a picture today but you can bet we have definitely been picture happy!  We've also shot a few videos too.

Tuesday morning we got up at 5am to pack the last minute things and headed to the airport by 7:15.  We checked all of our bags in and was boarding our plane by 8:40am.  Our plane ride went so so.  At first, Boston decided he was going to be the worst he's ever been.  He's typically a pretty cool and chill guy, but not that morning.  For the first hour and a half he wanted to eat a lot, he was sleepy but was fighting it and pooped twice (the second time was RIGHT after Jer had just gotten back from changing him in the ever-so-small-airplane-lavatory and after pulling the hair of one of our flight attendants).  All of that until...we started his beloved Baby Einstein movie!  Thank you, Baby Einstein, for keeping my child entertained when it was most needed.    

We landed around 11am and found out that our stroller wasn't on our flight.  It got put on the next flight which landed here around 1.  So we decided to head to our hotel anyway and AA said they would deliver our stroller to our hotel at some point that day.  Therefore, we weren't able to really do much that day until it arrived.  After we checked into our hotel we walked next door to a really really good Mexican restaurant and got some lunch.  By 4pm, our stroller was delivered.  After taking a desperately needed nap, we decided to head to Whole Foods to pick up a few things for us and for B.  It was only a couple of blocks from our hotel and since the weather was so-freakin'-nice we decided to walk there.

Then, yesterday was Jer's birthday.  We slept in, got breakfast, got a cab and headed over to Pier 39 and spent the day out there.  It was pretty dang cool.  Literally, it was chilly!  But it was also cool as in rad.  There was shopping, dining, an aquarium and the place where you could take a ferry over to Alcatrez.  We had lunch/dinner (since we ate around 3 or 4) at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co right on the bay.  Then we walked around and did some souvenir shopping which I'm glad we did early on because typically I'm rushing around at the last minute trying to find the right souvenirs which is always a magnet for our fridge and a picture frame (I always frame a picture of us during that vacation to put around the house).  I'm not into the whole "buying a t-shirt" thing.  :-) 

Today, we ate breakfast (did I mention that we get free breakfast in the mornings?  Since Jer is a gold member with Marriott, we get access to the concierge lounge which serves free breakfast, h'ordourves in the afternoons and desserts in the evenings) and then headed out to shop.  Our hotel is near Union Square where all the good shopping is and where we walked all around all day until our feet hurt.  It was a great day!

We have a lot more planned for the rest of our time here...and, of course, I'll share those plans with y'all later! 


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